Crown & Bridgework Products

Non-metal crown and bridgework is available in an extensive range of materials through Southern Cross Dental.

UZir UltraTransluscent Crown
ips emax crown
IPS e.max®

Also available in the New Zealand-made Origin range, the IPS e.max® system offers high-strength materials, metal-free aesthetics and durability for both press and CAD/CAM technique.

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ips emax crown
Non-metal IPS e.max® Crowns & Bridgework

Also available in the Australian-made Quest range, the IPS e.max® system offers high-strength materials, metal-free aesthetics and durability for both press and CAD/CAM technique.

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Cermage Non Metal Crown
Non-metal CERAMAGE® Crowns & Bridgework

CERAMAGE® is a high quality zirconium silicate, integrated, indirect and restorative material used for dental implants.

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PFM Bridge close up image
Crown & Bridgework Preparation

Suggested ways for prepping a tooth for a veneer, crown cutting and other restorations.

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FMZir non metal crown
Zirconia Dental Crowns & Bridgework

Zirconia-based ceramic restorations such as PFZ, FMZir & UZir are suitable for a wide range of crown and bridge applications, exhibiting excellent long-term stability.

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Utzir non metal crown CloseUp
UZir Ultra Translucent

A formula of zirconia, the UZir Ultra Translucent Crown in the Origin range offers a unique combination of translucency and strength, stronger than other translucent alternatives.

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temporary ceramic bridge
Non-metal Temporary Crowns

Also available in the Australian-made Quest range, Temporary Crowns are interim restorations with the benefit of protecting teeth and stabilising tooth position.

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temporary ceramic bridge
Temporary Crowns

Also available in the New Zealand-made Origin range, Temporary Crowns are interim restorations with the benefit of protecting teeth and stabilising tooth position.

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Crown and Bridgework - Crown and Bridgework - Non Metal - Lava System
Lava™ All-Ceramic System

The Lava™ All-Ceramic System from 3M ESPE encompasses a CAD/CAM procedure for the creation of all-ceramic crowns and bridges for anterior and posterior applications.

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